The 90's

Without a doubt the 90's kept hope alive. A hope that I could be anyone I created with my very own will and that I could do all the things that were scary, yet evoked truth. It was an ideal that I vowed to base all my decisions on. With Pearl Jam playing in the background and spending all my money on concerts, I was part of an artistic quilt with fibers of it deeply woven inside my essence even today. The 90's made me believe nothing could ever wash this feeling away. Shanna and I were artists. We were going to create. We were going to usher in an evolution through visual emotion dancing on canvas and springing off photos and into the hearts of the masses. We would tip the scales between moving throughout life based on our cerebral better judgement to a free will, hypnotic dance dictated by the cadence of our hearts. It would take two decades before any of that would ever see even one sunbeam of reality.

Life happened, the economy tanking happened, becoming mother's happened, losing and regaining everything just happened. What we made though, what we deliberately in this moment in our hippie garden in lil ol' Rockedge, Florida was catch our sunbeam as it tried to compete with the beauty of my angelic childhood friend. Together we create....finally.

This career is a love letter to the girls we were and the women we are now and continuing to evolve into.